1月9日讯 从上海上港的助教起步,谢晖先后担任南通支云、大连人和长春亚泰主帅,至今已独立执教五个赛季。在接受“懒熊体育”记者赵宇专访时,他分享了自己作为主帅这些年的心路历程。






谢晖:If I had the chance to coach a higher-level team, I would have considered it. 但回想起来,即使真的有这样的机会(如成为中超球队主帅),也许会显得太浮躁,因为我的经验尚不充分。有些人认为以我的履历,从保级队开始似乎低了一点,但其实并不是这样。我十年前带领青少年团队,那时候也是一个很基本的起点。此外,我还指导过同济大学足球队参加业余联赛。从退役以来,我一直怀揣着成为优秀教师的梦想,无论身处哪个层面都能与自己达成和解,这是极其重要的一环,也帮助我消化很多负面的评论。我始终相信,当每天早晨能够看到阳光、绿茵场,以及球员们认真训练的时候,就是最幸福的时候。而通过努力让他们赢得比赛及快乐,更是值得珍惜。


记者:The moment you got your first independent coaching opportunity was at age 45, do you feel that came too late? In Germany, many coaches start leading teams in their thirties and even manage Bundesliga clubs.

 This is an objective reality. At 45 years old starting as a head coach might seem a bit late for some people. I've read various books outside of sports and football; I'm somewhat knowledgeable about Chinese history.
From our societal culture perspective, there's often skepticism towards young individuals in their twenties or thirties taking leadership roles. However, we must also recognize another reality—those European coaches who are making waves in their thirties typically retired from playing professionally when they were just eighteen or nineteen years old. In contrast here in China if someone retires by eighteen or only has experience competing within youth leagues—is there enough foundational knowledge? The path for those without professional player backgrounds can be significantly tougher due to the limited cultural depth found within our domestic football landscape compared with more developed nations where resources abound. I’ll turn fifty soon but still referred to as “young coach.” However realistically speaking this phase isn’t youthful anymore—it’s time now acknowledging life experiences shaping perspectives moving forward.